Hi this is the owners would be a jury dealer in today's project. Is going to be this necklace and it is
having. Be adjustable sliding knots so this is the adjustable. Leather cord pendant necklace and here's
the pendant who can use any pending a you choose obviously. Let's go ahead and see the supplies
you need for this particular project to make this you're going to need about three feet above the courting, I happen to be using two millimetre thickness. You can use one millimetre three
millimetre whatever size that fits your pendant.
You'll need a pendant you need a pair of cutters have cutters you need some glue I happen to be using high post cement. But you can use the six thousand super glue. Whatever supplies get the job done is what you can use. Let's go head and make our sliding cord necklace I have gone head and I put my pendant on the cord.
Right now I have an end that's in my right hand a end that's in my left hand. I'm going to take the right-hand cord and lay it on top of the left-hand cord. I'm gonna have about six-inch tale I'm going to make a loop, and it's going to sit on top
of the left in cod now I'm gonna take the tail. This used to be the right hand tail I am going to Loop around three times and you want to loop towards the center away from the loop. So I've got my loops going towards the center you should have your end loop stil in hand. Now what I'm gonna do is take my tail end. I am going to put it through loop it's coming through the loop and then I'm going to pull you may take a
couple minutes you adjust the way you want this is your first sliding knot. Awesome now on the next!